HRZZ IP-2014-09-9515


fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu

[ Specifična obilježja

obitelji u riziku: doprinos planiranju

kompleksnih intervencija ]

Prezentacija rezultata projekta na 7th ENCEC CONFERENCE, Budimpešta, 29.-31.8.2019. Ivana Maurović  je sudjelovala na 7th ENCEC CONFERENCE, Budimpešta, 29.-31.8.2019. te predstavila rad “Predictors of family satisfaction of youth at risk in Croatia” napravljen u koautorstvu s kolegicama iz tima: doc. Gabrijelom Ratkajec Gašević, Anjom Mirosavljević i voditeljicom projekta, Antonijom Žižak.

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Youth at risk are often leaving in families with complex needs and show low level of family life satisfaction. In order to understand possible ways of facilitating family satisfaction of youth at risk, the aim of this paper is to predict levels of family satisfaction by family and child risk level, individual and family protective factors, as well as by indicator of overall life satisfaction.

This paper is a part of project “Specific characteristics of families at risk: contribution to complex intervention planning” founded by Croatian Science Foundation (CSF IP-2014-09-9515). Following instruments were used: Family Satisfaction Scale (Olson, 2010), Family resilience scale (Maurović et all, 2016), General Self-efficacy scale (Schwarzer & Jerusalem, 1995), Personal Wellbeing Index, (Cummins, 2002), Risk scale (Ajduković at all, 2014), Support in family (Ratkajec at all., 2016).

Sample consists of 113 participants that were, due to behavioral or mental health problems included in an intervention in social welfare/ mental health service. Preliminary data show that significant predictors of family satisfaction are: life satisfaction, family communication satisfaction, support by family member as well as lower risk level. Results are confirming trends in research that recommend parallel interventions directed to both, individuals and family system as a whole